
"I was born lost and take no pleasure in being found."

-John Steinbeck

Welcome to #meadadventures. Here you will find pictures, stories, and tips from our travels. I hope you enjoy and become inspired to create your own #___adventures!

The #meadadventures that started it all

The #meadadventures that started it all

My husband, Tommy, and I had been dating for five years... f - i - v - e...before he popped the big question (worth the wait), and 6 months later we were walking down the aisle and starting the new chapter of our lives as Mr. and Mrs. Mead. I was so wrapped up in the planning of our big day that I really didn't put much thought into our honeymoon...okay, I actually forgot about it all together. So when a few weeks before the wedding rolled around and we realized we didn't have anything planned, we had to brainstorm quickly. I had actually always seen myself going on more of a road trip-esque honeymoon versus the more traditional tropical escape. When I shared that idea with Tommy he was very much on the same page, we then had a solid starting point in terms of the what. The where came easy too because when he threw out the glorious word "California" the idea of any other place/state did not hold the same significance. The how, however, became the more difficult part of our planning. Tommy was graduating with his master's degree the week after we were getting married, he was still searching for an "after graduation" job, and we didn't have a clue as to where we would be living (I swear we are more organized than what we are seeming, but after proof reading this we do seem like a disaster-case of a couple). Making that plane ticket purchase just seemed like something that shouldn't be at the top of our priority list at the moment, so we took a break from planning all together...If we just ignored it, it would solve itself, right? Well now we found ourselves at the week before the wedding and nowhere near a planned honeymoon. After some talking we finally decided to just take a leap of faith and we hit the "confirm purchase" button like we were hitting a button to detonate a heat-seeking missile. There we were, the proud owners of two plane tickets to what I now refer to as "the best coast"! Very shortly after buying the tickets, Tommy received a job offer and we found the perfect place to live...all was right with the world, we were getting married, and going to California!

Happy honeymooners come from California

Happy honeymooners come from California