
"I was born lost and take no pleasure in being found."

-John Steinbeck

Welcome to #meadadventures. Here you will find pictures, stories, and tips from our travels. I hope you enjoy and become inspired to create your own #___adventures!

 The Big Apple Part III

The Big Apple Part III

The last day of our trip was only a half day so we all woke up early to fit in a few more sites. This time after coffee we all went to the Today Show (on our way my blueberry muffin and I were almost flattened as we crossed the street by a taxi that ran a red light) and then parted ways with plans to meet for lunch. Tommy, Madison, and I rode the subway to Central Park, picked an entrance, and started walking. After being surrounded by concrete and cars all week it was a nice change to be back amongst grass and trees. We walked throughout the park admiring its vastness and were able to enjoy Strawberry Fields before we decided that we probably needed to head back for lunch. We all met the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square and went back to our hotel to pick up our luggage after lunch. We decided to try our original transportation method back to the airport and I have to say, it went much smoother. That is, until we reached the bus portion. The line for a bus that went to the airport was long and while waiting Tommy decided he was going to go find a bathroom. As soon as he disappeared, a bus came. Everyone started loading the bus and there was our group, panicking at the lack of one of our members. Not wanting to leave my other half behind I made a quick decision to sacrifice my spot and hopefully catch a later bus with him. Just as the bus doors were about to close, here comes Tommy and (thankfully) we are able to catch the ride with the rest of the group. I say thankfully because the bus to the airport that day made more stops than it did at midnight when we first rode it. Had we not caught that exact one, there would have been no way we would have made our flight. As we all made it through the long airport security line, Tommy made us panic again. He had accidentally left water in his Klean Kanteen so he had to find a place to pour it out and then had to go through the line again. After all of this, we made it to our gate with just enough time to take a sigh of relief and then board our flight. New York City tried her best to defeat us, but we all survived and had a great time doing it.

We landed in Atlanta later in the evening and we discovered Lesley's suitcase wasn't on the carousel with all of the others when we went to pick up our luggage. After searching every luggage drop and talking with airport employees, we decided that they would stay and search while we would go pick up our car. The line for the rental car was ridiculous for it being seven o'clock at night, and once we finally reached the counter it was unorganized and obvious as to why they were the only company with a line. Once we were finally given our car it was about the same time that Lesley's suitcase was discovered. When we picked them up Andrew thought one of the tires looked a little low, but having had a little rental car experience we knew they inspected the cars before renting them out so we started our journey home. We made it less than 30 minutes down the interstate before we were all needing to stop and eat, and when we returned to our car after dinner we noticed the tire was REALLY low now. Not really knowing what to do, I started calling the rental company (they never answered my dozens of calls) and Tommy drove us back to the airport. We all wanted to get home so when we arrived back at the airport we just wanted to swap the car and go. Instead, it turned in to a very long process...all I have to say is: #meadadventures tip: stay away from AVIS car rental at the Atlanta airport. Finally, we were given a new car and were on our way home...again. It was getting really late at this point, and we still had at least 3 hours to go when we were then pulled over because the new car we were given didn't have working tail lights (this is where I refer you to the #meadadventures tip above). I'm pretty sure the officer could tell we'd had a long day and with it not being our car, he let us go. A very long car ride later and by two in the morning, we were finally home. We definitely had some ups and downs on this trip, but none of us would ever take it back.

#meadadventures tip: Like every trip Tommy and I take, we use both the highs and lows as learning experiences for what to do/not to do on our next one. Try your hardest not to get upset if everything doesn't turn out perfect...sometimes the disasters are the best stories to tell and laugh about later.

Off To The Races!!

Off To The Races!!

The Big Apple Part II

The Big Apple Part II